Monday, October 21, 2013

Golden Age

What makes a Golden Age? What aspects of Roman society under Augustus would constitute a Golden Age? What time period of American history would constitute its Golden Age? Why?

     The "Golden Age" of a society is often defined or described by a period of economic prosperity, harmony, stability, and peace. A Golden Age is the first stage of the Age of Man which describes this period of success and incorruption.

     In Rome there was a definite period that could be described like this. Roman society under Augustus has been agreed upon by scholars to be the Golden Age of Rome. Art under Augustus was more idealized. This was shown by how the sculptures were designed in a way to show ideally how a person at the time should look and aspire to be. This in part, constituted a Golden Age in Rome. Augustus also brought back the Ludi Seculares games and as part of these games, they made sacrifices to the sun god Apollo. Worship to the god Apollo signifies that it was a period of a Golden Age during Augustus’ rule. Under Augustus's reign, he subdued the proud and ruled the land in peace. As a result of Augustus’ successful rule, the prosperity in Rome continued on for almost five centuries.

     There is a time period in American history that could be considered its Golden Age. In my opinion, this was the period shortly after World War II when there was economic prosperity throughout the United States. It lasted from the mid- 1940s to the early 1970s. The reason for this was; after the war, there was much needed improvement in United States economics so there were bills passed and steps taken to improve the economy. These efforts after the war worked so in turn, many people had increased income, there were more educated workers, and there was societal peace throughout the U.S. which spilled into other countries. This economic growth was distributed throughout all classes of people and that is why it could be considered a Golden Age for the United States.


  1. Good information. I agree about the 40's-70's being our Golden Age, more or less. Dang, I forgot to mention the Romans' worshiping Apollo!

  2. I love that you addressed the religious elements of Roman society, I'd forgotten how big that was in their culture.

  3. I like how you analyzed the art under Augustus and how sculptures created an ideal. I think that art was a big icon during Augustus's rule and helped the people. Just like art during the period after World War II helped influence people.
