1. Healthcare
"but nowhere is the effort harder than in Rome, where you must pay a big rent for a wretched lodging, a big sum to fill the bellies of your slaves, and buy a frugal dinner for yourself. You are ashamed to dine off delf"
"Most sick people here in Rome perish for want of sleep, the illness itself having been produced by food lying undigested on a fevered stomach. For what sleep is possible in a lodging? Who but the wealthy get sleep in Rome? There lies the root of the disorder"
This parallels the issue of healthcare in the fact that people have issues about sharing their wealth with the less fortunate so that they can have equal healthcare. This parallels because it talks about paying for things of others and for self.
2. Legalization of Marijuana
"Yet however reckless the fellow may be, however hot with wine and young blood, he gives a wide berth to one whose scarlet cloak and long retinue of attendants, with torches and brass lamps in their hands, bid him keep his distance."
This parallels the idea that legalization of Marijuana is an issue. This is talking about wine or alcohol being an issue in Rome.
3. Obesity
This is unique to our society because it seems to come up with the excess absorption of food which seems to only have really becoming a problem with the increase of fast food opportunities during the 20th century.
4. Abortion
This is unique to our society because abortion in ancient Rome wasn't as big of an issue. Now, it seems like there are more people either wanting to get it done or more people who believe it is morally wrong. In ancient Rome it wasn't illegal but with the spread of Christianity, punishment for abortion spread.
5. Same Sex Marriage
This is unique to our society because homosexual marriages didn't happen in ancient Rome. Ancient Roman males, if they had same sex partners, they were there for entertainment or slavery There isn't as much mentioned about female same sex partners. So people had homosexual partners but they didn't marry them in ancient Rome. Now people want to legalize same sex marriage throughout the U.S. and the world.
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